The Mystery of Stillness

A Philosophical Novel

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Location: Charleston, South Carolina, United States

Born in 1987, time traveled to 2499, died in 2511, reborn in 5000, won the war in 5032, then time traveled back to 1997. Man this century is weird.

Friday, December 30, 2005


DO NOT LOOK on at the world with eyes saying, “This is a dangerous place because people do evil,” but with eyes saying, “This is a dangerous place because people look on and do nothing.”

Monday, December 26, 2005


ONE MUST CONQUER all enemies only with love, for the only way to truly win any battle is to make the battle nonexistent; the only winning move is not to fight. May love be one’s sword.
WHEN ONE COMES into conflict with another, one’s goodness must become of power. One’s truth and justice become a stable constant within the conflict, for with goodness shining through one needs no armor.
ONE MUST PLACE humor in front an opponent, as a most powerful shield, for their untamed mind shall wander and allow spears of peace to run true into the opponents heart. You must become one with the opponent, to understand the opponent, to make peace with the opponent.
ONE MUST ALWAYS fight for ideals of honor and principle, holding a conviction for the sacredness of human life. In doing this, the ignorant will first ignore you, for they shall not understand. Next the ignorant will laugh at you, for they shall not understand. Then the ignorant shall fight you, for they wish not to feel as if they do not understand. This is when the wise one shall win.

Friday, December 23, 2005


ONE CAN NEVER comprehend the light of heaven without first seeing the darkness of hell. It is by experience of the true pains that daily feelings and emotions become ineffectual. No man can fall from the sky like snow and still come to understand creation without first occurrence and incident.

Monday, December 19, 2005


SIMPLICITY IN LIFE can be achieved only by separation from the “common reality.” Habit, custom, regulations, routines, personal conflict: all must be erased from the mind to the point at which the thought of erasing the thoughts of reality erases itself. One must become nothing and have no thoughts in order to become the vision of one’s own self-truth and simplicity.
TO ENTER INTO simplicity and, therefore, one’s own self-truth, one must become of a focused, transient pleasure. One must allow their mind to drift onto true creative power. One must live at a level of experience beyond standards of good and evil if one wishes to become the real goal of human evolution and find the universal, yet singular, truth.

Friday, December 16, 2005


WITH WAYS OF untruth and violence, only the simple man can be defeated, and that man only for a short time. To achieve forever freedom and constant good there must be cooperation between the defender and offender.
THERE IS NO such thing as a fight against evil or immorality. You cannot defeat ideas or thoughts, nor can you fight them. And when one fights against evils and monsters, they end by only becoming the monster themselves, such as when one looks into a ceaseless abyss of darkness, the darkness looks ceaselessly into oneself.

Monday, December 12, 2005


ONE MUST NEVER believe what it is that one sees, hears, or otherwise comes to understand through mere words. Only the doer alone learns, and only through experience may one be a great being of wisdom; the key is Time. The believer of all is the ignorant of many, but the doubter of the world’s shell is the most prudent of all.

Friday, December 09, 2005


TO LIVE FOREVER is to teach a child, for only then may you truly exist in all ways to change as you would in existence. I see that it is final proof of a human’s omnipotence that they need not exist to change the world.
IN ORDER FOR one to truly teach another, they must first become an example of the teachings by which they wish the others to learn. One must be a mirror of the image of best fit for the student.

Monday, December 05, 2005


SILENCE DOES NOT give way to ignorance, but to enlightenment. Those things which do not speak are those things which are wisest among all others. The mountains call forth in their silence. They call so that one may feel their serenity and silent wisdom. Listen to that silence which shall empower oneself if one allows it to do so. It is one’s home that one may never see otherwise; one’s failing limitation. It is the strongest of limitations, to not listen to the call of the nothing.
OBSERVATION OF THE world around oneself is key to enlightenment, for one may never understand oneself lest they understand those around themselves. Though the things which you observe may tell of your watchful eyes, their soul will understand. Though they tell you what you do, they always know you if you look to their eyes, for their eyes are the singular connection to their “truth”; the only point on the human body which can never have a proper illusion’s shadow cast upon it. They shall understand your unbreakable silence, like the mirror reflections of a calm pond. However, one must be silent in one’s eyes as well as in one’s mind.
THE SILENT ARE not shy, nor are they a wavering power of rage and vengefulness. The silent man is the wise man. In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.
A MAN OF silence is a man of pure mystery and deception, for he gives nothing to the outside world by which to judge him. When one is silent, the world is deafeningly loud in words spoken as if one never existed, and in silence small pieces of the truth can be felt in the blanketing pool of the human psyche.
THE SILENT CAN never be affected by the outside world for they do not attribute themselves to it. You must be like a wooden toy, for only then will you not speak, nor think, nor feel, and at that point all will become clear.

Friday, December 02, 2005


ALL OF LIFE is like an endless plain, or desolate tract, whose horizons stretch on far past the sight of any man (for that is all that a horizon is; the limit to one’s sight.) It is like a circle with no bounds, yet with a center, or beginning, which is creation...genesis. When one is breathed into the universe, they are born at the center of their own circle, whose ceaseless bounds reach far into the invisible territories of all others in the universe. When one looks into this horizon, whose edges sparkle with brilliant points of light, they make an un-thought choice to follow one point, and thusly their journey in life begins with a walk from the beginning of one’s own being and into the amazing territories of all creation.
WHEN A HARROWING occurrence comes forth like a beast from the night to compress all the hope within oneself, and consequently one’s truth, one mustn’t wallow in the pits of sorrow. At this point, they are merely within the summit which in their beginning was no more than a point on the horizon, and is now a blinding bright luminosity; a seemingly collapsing building.
DO NOT STAY and cry, for the building may fall and kill you. Do not run in disorder and chaos, for the choices will be unwise and may ensnare you forever inside. One must walk with ease and understanding, moreover hope, towards greater points on the horizon ever new, and thusly towards one’s destiny and internal, eternal truth.